
Saturday, July 12, 2014


"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss

There has been no posting from me for more than a month, it got me thinking, people constantly with ideas and writing to express themselves must love to share and express their thoughts. They might even have the desire to change the world, in a big or small way. Or they have such exciting life it'd be a waste not to share.

So I ask myself, why do I write? Do I like to be read (by people I never met)? How much I have to like it to be enough to stick to writing and be discipline about the writing schedule? What do I do when I run out of ideas or there is no exciting event to share? 

There was a saying I find it quite true. If someone is making up stories or hypothesis, people will tell them: you could be a good writer with such great imagination! And bingo! It is the process of delivering story that allows the brain to work, in a logical or imaginative way, and that it fun! You could tell story whatever way you like, develop all the characters you like. 

Writing is the best way of recording knowledge, stories, experience and thoughts that come and go. It's an important tool whether you are a professional writer or just write for hobby. You could even shape your future with writing, imagining what is your perfect future and put it on paper, like signing a contract with yourself. Could be as simple as a bucket list. Of course a good writer require skills, and it could be learned! 

For me, I like playing with words, selecting the most suitable words together to create something beautiful, soothing, and resonance with the world. I believe all writer would hope their reader enjoy reading their writing, even it's just the recipe for some authentic dessert. Thank you for all the blogger who write, share and inform their knowledge and love.  

*Above picture is sourced from the web. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


A while ago a friend recorded a radio program about self-worth, deserving for his coaching practice and requesting my feedback. I took my time to process and finally replied him after more than a month. 

Self-deserving or self-worth is a huge topic. The intricacy of it involve how a person define oneself, identity, self-esteem, cultural sense, responsible for self, care for others, values, principles and the list goes on with layers of what made up 'The Self'. 

I recently went to one of the writers' festival event, saw Amy Tan and Linda Jaivin. The two were amazing writers and brilliant together. I love their passion about their work, it's so powerful and direct. They talked about culture and identity searching of their own experience. I think, identity contribute a big part to a person's view of who they are and what they deserve. Answer the questions of who do you think you are and who do you want to be.

What is deserving to you? Spiritually? What do you think you really deserve? 

Grandma's health is deteriorating quickly recently, she is questioning god, why she has to suffer so much before she goes? She never did bad things in her life...
Of course she deserve better and should not suffer from illness, but who is there to say?

There are so many layers of us, from our experience, the activities we performed, the decision we made that shaped the present self. At present time, I see it this way, knowing what I deserve is one thing, understanding the system and work through it is another, we have to find the balance between the two. Sometimes, one needs to earn and then own what they deserve.That involves working diligently, responsible for self, care for others, contribute and gain. It is a flow, an exchange and it never stop there, it's not static. 

When someone is presented an award and celebrated by others, I think that's the highest sense of deserving. It's a shared experience and bring happiness. 

This is a topic so broad and interesting that people could spend a life time having conversation about it; or it could just be as simple as how you see it. 

Monday, May 12, 2014


Even I love photography and find photographs inspiring but I never really pay too much attention on the production side before. I just assumed a good (and expensive) camera would do all the jobs.

Only recently, I have my new experience with a mid range DSLR camera and suddenly realised how challenging it could be. Especially to shoot every photo on the manual setting. Constantly adjusting the setting for a different scenery. To be honest, for a moment I missed my four third Sony 5N, it is so much easier and user friend. (chuckles) "Manual is too much effort" grumble quietly. It demands high volume of patience and time.

“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” 
― Ansel Adams

Learning a new skills from midway is always interesting. There are old and new perceptions trying to find their place in our brain and sometimes we have to unravel the conflicts. However, most importantly is to have a fun learning experience. Like having good learning buddy, good buddies could inspire you to create better works. Discussions and exchanging ideas are fun and important, it is much better than just learning alone by reading. Group learning also enable one to socialise with others, open up, exploring other options, even making mistakes is fun. I reckon it increases a person interested in the activity. Learning buddies is beneficial.

I will continue to learn with my buddies and know very well that a good photograph is not just how good the camera is, a big part of it is say a lot about the craftsman. I think that is the attracting part of all artform. The product represent the person.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Colour of Autumn

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” Albert Camus 

Autumn is a word defines by photographs, videos and other forms of media for most people living in the tropical countries in the South East Asia. Many artistes portrayed it as a season of colourful scenery with a hint of sadness as a lead up to winter. In real life the season is not as dramatic, in fact it is quite a pleasant weather to live.

Located at the southern hemisphere, Australia has it's four season the other way round. Within this massive continent, each state has its own distinctive weather character. In New South Wales April marked the beginning of autumn in Australia. There are no drastic differences between seasons in New South Wales, despite a few degrees drop and less sunlight. The surrounding environment still looks quite the same, the only subtle change you might notice in the garden are the plants quietly harvesting in their right season.

People with experience of colourful autumn crave for the beauty and atmosphere, they will drive out miles to catch a glimpse of autumn. Apparently, there is this famous 'colourful' place call Mountain Wilson at the Blue Mountain region have the privilege for the colours. They grow in private gardens on acres of land. The owners are taking the opportunity to invite guests to their gardens with small token as an entry fees.  

It is a good place for a colourful weekend in autumn. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Free flow

Today I am going to experiment with free flow writing. Due to the fact that English is not my first language, writing in English always made me feeling anxious. Worrying the limited range of words I have, the high potential of grammar mistakes and of course the readableness of the piece.

Most of the time I choose not to write, which doesn't really help at all. So I borrowed books about writing from the library and hoping to find the holy grail in producing good writing. This is how the free flow idea came about. It actually make sense that practice make perfect. Anyone wants to be good at anything should just have a structured timetable to practice. The important thing is to be able to take the tasks seriously. The right attitude pays off ~ big time!

The fun thing about writing in second language is occasionally new phrases pop up and sounded great and fun! And I didn't even realise I have that in my vocabulary bank. Language is an interesting communication tool. Someone said to me once, "learning a language is like learning a new life". There is so much in a language that are from the life and costume of that culture. Widely spoken languages such as English will have numerous lives vary from regions. To be able to be good at it, one have to learn, read, speak, write and repeat and repeat and just repeat that cycle.

Free flow ten minutes is up! It's not bad at all. You should try it.

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
—Ernest Hemingway

Monday, April 28, 2014






"人一旦豪不保留的將意志專注在某一件他想得到的事物上,他的靈魂就會接通身體賜預力量,這份意志無關情操的高尚與否,只在于渴望的強度。" 賽德克。巴萊

Tuesday, April 22, 2014



生活总是难免挫折不如意,前人早以 '人生不如意之事十之八九' 提示我们了,所以生活中的不如意其实是比如意平常的。要是想不通就别去想了,换一个方向,做做别的。可能是女生比男生爱胡思乱想的关系吧。只是想那么多后到头来还是虚无空洞,不如踏实一点,以行动取胜?






Have you ever observe how you operate? From the minor details such as what would you do after you get into the car? How long does it takes before you actually ignite the engine and drive off? Or what do you normally do after starting up your computer? Do you go straight to what you want to do or you be distracted by emails, facebook messages, pop up advertisements, Groupon sale and all sorts, then only get to what you really need to do, like paying the overdue bills?

If you spend some time observing yourselves or others, you will see a trend of how people operate dictate the outcomes and how well a person manage time. Because every little distractions are eating up your time, and sometimes distractions lead to a habit of procrastination. And procrastination leads to further stress about unfinished tasks, assignments and failure of delivery. Not a good thing.

Let's nurture some good habits so we could all manage our time and work better. With better time management we could achieve better results and allow more spare times for fun and relaxation. One of the best way to do that is plan your actions, write them down as reminder (thanks to the funky mobile apps) and finally actions your flawless plan. I am confident in that way you will save time and energy with more effective results in operating a happier life.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fighter's Story

Everyone has a different growing up story. What differentiate one story to be more inspiring than others would be ironically rating from the hardship a person has been through and how he demonstrated to be a real fighter in life. I find this famous person's story particularly interesting, just because he had to fight for his dreams, passions, and also challenge the social norm to prove his rights to be talented and successful. 

He said, "beauty is about perception, not about makeup. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on makeup, or dress yourself, or do your hair with any sort of fun or joy if you're doing it from a position of correction." This is Kevin Aucoin, a famous male makeup artist, photographer and author.  

Aucoin was interested in makeup since he was a child, in the 60's. Because of his differences from his peers, he was bullied at school, being called "sissy" and discriminated from the society. But he never stop chasing his dreams and passions. He took in the hardship, moved to a different city and work harder than the girls (during that time makeup artists are generally women), finally his talent was discovered by Vogue in New York.

So when you are wondering why you are not successful, you have some reflection work to do. There is no one to blame. Don't worry about not being perfect, no one will really notice. I still believe work hard with a bit of luck you will get there in no time!

Have a bright and big future!

Friday, March 14, 2014


Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it. By Kevyn Aucoin

Recently I was in my hometown spending quality time with family and close friends. It was really rewarding to see people and allow relationships to grow.

By chance I went to meet this friend in hospital on the day she was admitted to go through a breast removal operation. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Hospital is not the best place to catch up. She is one of the mates I went backpacking with and we shared great memorable times on the trip. She was supposed to get married this June but it had to be postponed now. Other then being positive, I didn't know how else to take the news. At the hospital ward, we chatted happily, made jokes, talked about the past and the possible future, she let us feel her lump on her breast, we hung around a bit and then say our goodbyes.

Later that night I received a text message from her close friend saying the operation went well and her job now is to rest, recover and follow up with chemotherapy. She seems strong and is taking the right actions to fight the cancer. I pray for he well being.

As human being our body is fragile, you never know when life will slip off your grip. That reminds me to appreciate and embrace what I have now. I decided to make another trip to see this close friend thinking if not now, when? We spent some quality and good times together, just simple laughter and enjoy being together, it doesn't have to be complicated.

Let's embrace what we have today, NOW - the very moment and live with no regrets.


The beauty of scars: David Jay's 'honest' portraits of imperfect beauty

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. - Mahatma Gandhi

Today is the second day of Chinese New Year base on the lunar calender. This is one of the most celebrated new year festival worldwide. Happy Chinese New Year 华人新年快乐

Being a Chinese decedent growing up in Malaysia, the celebration is great.
One of the signature dishes for this celebration is called 'Lou Sang' 捞生,it could be translated to Lucky Salad or Uplifting Salad, personally I like to call it Uplifting Salad.

This dish is originated from Malaysian, the dish combine thirteen different vegetables and a few distinctive spices to make it really tasty, the star of the dish is the raw fish. Every bits of the ingredients carry a blessing meaning, the fun part of the dish is not just eating it, before you could do that pour the spices and sauce on the top, then the people around the table have pick up their chopsticks and mix the dish upwardly to the sky, meaning stepping up and improving, while doing that movement, say out loud positive, uplifting wishes to welcome and bless the new year.

After the excitement of mixing of the dish and well wishes, everyone enjoy the dish with high spirit! It's such a great way to boost energy and to brighten up for a fresh year. Welcome to the year of HORSE!

Few years ago, we could only get this dish in Malaysia, but thanks to the trend of migration, this dish is quite famous now and you could even get it in Sydney. 

Monday, January 27, 2014


I stumbled across this picture/ artwork while reading online, first saw it in black and white but the actual colour is even more stunning. I fancy the design of the typography. Look up more similar artworks on Holstee.

Monday, January 20, 2014


"If you change the way you look at things; the things you look at change." Wayne Dyer

How soon do you adjust to a new environment or picking up a new skill or learning a new system?
I once swear that I'm not going to use computer to produce work, it was such an unnecessary system that time. Because I am old fashion and it takes a long time for me to believe in something and adjust to new technologies. Irony enough I am going to learn web design, an idea that I never though I will surrender to two decades ago.

Since the millennium year, it has marked the change of time of how we live and communicate. The communication world had dictated by tweet counts, topics you share on social medias and the hits you get from people you never met. It's a time I wasn't prepared for, it's a time if you are quick enough to learn a new software to be considered included in the game. And it's also a time that bring people together with almost zero cost. It's a time that my retired aunties play Facebook games to pass time. It's surely a time to change your way of thinking and use the tools that are available to you to communicate and connect freely with the universe.

Of course it's a fun time not to be missed. Use it well to your advantage and thrive with it.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


"A goal is a dream with a deadline." Napolean Hill 

Time flies. It's already February. Chinese New Year is around the corner.
I have been asked numerously time "are you coming back for CNY?" sadly my answer is No, well I will try very hard to make it for next year.

That was something I wrote a year ago and as promised I will be going home for the celebration this year, I made it! It feels like a déjà vu, except I planned for it and feels magnificent about making it happen. Being able to stick with my goal especially this one make me happy for a long while.

Most people I know spent a lot of effort 'cooking' towards their goal or goals (depending how much you could take at once). To achieve bigger goals we are looking at strict discipline, setting priorities, staying focus, and at the same time able to say no to temptations and distractions.

Temptations are always around, I find short term enjoyment and fun are the hardest to resist, the evil little voice will tell you to take a break, reward yourselves, you deserve it. At the time it might seems like a better offer but the next thing you find is running out of time and missing out deadlines. It does takes strong will, determination, a bit of stubbornness and a lot of consistent attention and working hours to be able to get to the point we set. With a deadline, we get the urgency of keeping up with time and being productive. Otherwise it could be a goal just for show.  

The delight of making something happen like achieving goal is beyond words. Moving on to the next goal is another key to get to the bigger goal, let others praise your achievement instead, and just smile.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." Albert Camus 

Photo courtesy Lewis S 
My cousins was having family over to attend her graduation in the country, the event has created the opportunity for a reunion of twenty decades. As a detour her parents visited my city to see his university mates that he hasn't met for more then twenty years, which most of them are living here now. 

I was in the room, surrounded by the excitement of friendship celebration. It was obvious time has no effect on them, the young and passionate energy brighten the whole room. There were chats about the old fun times, the presents fun times and jokes flying around. It's Precious!

Photo courtesy Lewis S
Majority of us spent most of our time building careers, caught up with never ending tasks, errands... and so many others. When was the last time you took time out for friends, have a true and enjoyable conversation? Catch up with the people you grew up with or even the people who are close to you now? It could be your schoolmates, neighbours, cousins, siblings, lover or even parents. 

It doesn't seems as important when you have goals to achieve, things to keep you busy, but life is really short. You never know when you may or may not see them again. Why not pick up the phone, schedule some time, plan a trip to see the people who has once share the best time of your life. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Do it

"Whatever you do will be insignificant,  but it is very important that you do it." Mahatma Gandhi 

I was working on a sold out musical many years ago, one of my responsibilities was to cue the band at the musical pit, to make sure all musicians were presence few minutes before the show start. At that time I thought it's a too easy task for me. Then, on one of the matinees I was late and missed the beginning of the show and was unable to reach anyone on the production because there were no reception in the theatre. Later I found out the musicians were expecting to see me there even though the know it's time to start the show.

Maybe this is an unusual example but it is easy to feel what we do is mundane, repetitive and not as important as it seems. Like keeping up with the exercise, drinking enough water, making the bed every morning, saying 'hi' to colleagues in the morning, expressing our love and etc. If you zoom out and look at the bigger picture, all these little tasks do contribute to a beautiful pictures. So, do not let you mind sink into the chores mode instead be inspired and enjoy what you do to continue creating your unique picture.

Monday, January 6, 2014

人與人之間 有時



卡在半途 迷惑


我懼怕走了不再 有顏色

把彩色存起來, 尋找更多燦爛

Wyn Hee Photography - Namtso Lake, Tibet 2012

Sunday, January 5, 2014


成都位于中国中西部,是四川省省會,位於四川省中心地帶,四川盆地的西部。屬內陸地帶,因为是盆地的关系夏天特别闷热,热气歇留不去。我们在八月初抵达,这是第一站,计划从这个城市去我们的梦想之地 - 西藏。我们前后只在这个城市逗留三个晚上。







粤语称 ‘面粉公仔’ 的现代版,很鲜艳漂亮的小玩意儿。







Friday, January 3, 2014


It is THE new year 2014!  

Everyone everywhere wishes everyone Happy New Year!

The celebration style might vary from one place to another. A thought came to mind, if I am living in Tibet and do not have a calender, this day will be the same as others. What does new year means to you? 

In the more civilize society it is a marker for people to reflect and check what they have achieved in the past year. Company will look at the journal and reward diligent staff with bonuses, parents reward their children if they behaved well, on the personal level individual will self check whether they have achieved their goals and maybe set more challenging goals for this year. 

I used to work in television production once, we worked on days and on nights, having breaks when others normal nine to five people were working, so it was really hard to meet up with friends and family, we had no choice but to hang out with our co-worker. The lifestyle were pretty seclusive. However I worked so much the work we had achieved were incredible and rather fulfilling.

My point is, it is quite exciting to return to the top of the calender cycle, we should just spend everyday as precious as it is. Really, you only live one, spend every second wisely. 

I think this is a good year to visit Vanuatu and Maldives! Woot woot!

Efate, Vanuatu. Photo courtesy of

A scrap book