
Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Have you ever observe how you operate? From the minor details such as what would you do after you get into the car? How long does it takes before you actually ignite the engine and drive off? Or what do you normally do after starting up your computer? Do you go straight to what you want to do or you be distracted by emails, facebook messages, pop up advertisements, Groupon sale and all sorts, then only get to what you really need to do, like paying the overdue bills?

If you spend some time observing yourselves or others, you will see a trend of how people operate dictate the outcomes and how well a person manage time. Because every little distractions are eating up your time, and sometimes distractions lead to a habit of procrastination. And procrastination leads to further stress about unfinished tasks, assignments and failure of delivery. Not a good thing.

Let's nurture some good habits so we could all manage our time and work better. With better time management we could achieve better results and allow more spare times for fun and relaxation. One of the best way to do that is plan your actions, write them down as reminder (thanks to the funky mobile apps) and finally actions your flawless plan. I am confident in that way you will save time and energy with more effective results in operating a happier life.

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