
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Colour of Autumn

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” Albert Camus 

Autumn is a word defines by photographs, videos and other forms of media for most people living in the tropical countries in the South East Asia. Many artistes portrayed it as a season of colourful scenery with a hint of sadness as a lead up to winter. In real life the season is not as dramatic, in fact it is quite a pleasant weather to live.

Located at the southern hemisphere, Australia has it's four season the other way round. Within this massive continent, each state has its own distinctive weather character. In New South Wales April marked the beginning of autumn in Australia. There are no drastic differences between seasons in New South Wales, despite a few degrees drop and less sunlight. The surrounding environment still looks quite the same, the only subtle change you might notice in the garden are the plants quietly harvesting in their right season.

People with experience of colourful autumn crave for the beauty and atmosphere, they will drive out miles to catch a glimpse of autumn. Apparently, there is this famous 'colourful' place call Mountain Wilson at the Blue Mountain region have the privilege for the colours. They grow in private gardens on acres of land. The owners are taking the opportunity to invite guests to their gardens with small token as an entry fees.  

It is a good place for a colourful weekend in autumn. 

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