
Monday, May 12, 2014


Even I love photography and find photographs inspiring but I never really pay too much attention on the production side before. I just assumed a good (and expensive) camera would do all the jobs.

Only recently, I have my new experience with a mid range DSLR camera and suddenly realised how challenging it could be. Especially to shoot every photo on the manual setting. Constantly adjusting the setting for a different scenery. To be honest, for a moment I missed my four third Sony 5N, it is so much easier and user friend. (chuckles) "Manual is too much effort" grumble quietly. It demands high volume of patience and time.

“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” 
― Ansel Adams

Learning a new skills from midway is always interesting. There are old and new perceptions trying to find their place in our brain and sometimes we have to unravel the conflicts. However, most importantly is to have a fun learning experience. Like having good learning buddy, good buddies could inspire you to create better works. Discussions and exchanging ideas are fun and important, it is much better than just learning alone by reading. Group learning also enable one to socialise with others, open up, exploring other options, even making mistakes is fun. I reckon it increases a person interested in the activity. Learning buddies is beneficial.

I will continue to learn with my buddies and know very well that a good photograph is not just how good the camera is, a big part of it is say a lot about the craftsman. I think that is the attracting part of all artform. The product represent the person.

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A scrap book