
Friday, January 3, 2014


It is THE new year 2014!  

Everyone everywhere wishes everyone Happy New Year!

The celebration style might vary from one place to another. A thought came to mind, if I am living in Tibet and do not have a calender, this day will be the same as others. What does new year means to you? 

In the more civilize society it is a marker for people to reflect and check what they have achieved in the past year. Company will look at the journal and reward diligent staff with bonuses, parents reward their children if they behaved well, on the personal level individual will self check whether they have achieved their goals and maybe set more challenging goals for this year. 

I used to work in television production once, we worked on days and on nights, having breaks when others normal nine to five people were working, so it was really hard to meet up with friends and family, we had no choice but to hang out with our co-worker. The lifestyle were pretty seclusive. However I worked so much the work we had achieved were incredible and rather fulfilling.

My point is, it is quite exciting to return to the top of the calender cycle, we should just spend everyday as precious as it is. Really, you only live one, spend every second wisely. 

I think this is a good year to visit Vanuatu and Maldives! Woot woot!

Efate, Vanuatu. Photo courtesy of

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