

The purpose of this page is for you get to know a bit about the blog owner. I have write on topics that I feel it will be fun and interesting to read. 

Recently, I did quite a bit of strength building assessments. One of the assessments result project my top value as Beauty. The word beauty is broad and general that opens to everything. Well, beauty it is! And I started the journey of looking into my past and present experience, identifying my relationship with beauty.

The assessment stated, beauty also means Appreciation, Grace, Magnificent and Adoration. Those words sounds like something very different to how beauty was translated in our daily life. To make sure I get the meaning right, I consulted Oxford Dictionary,  it says 'a combination of qualities that give pleasure to the sight or other senses or to the mind.' Bingo! That's what I thought.

Photograph by Wyn Hee 
My Daffodil will be a platform for me (the blogger) to express myself in writing with beautiful thoughts and photographs and authentic cooking recipes just to spice it up a bit.

English is not my first language, but I really enjoy writing with it, a different fashion of thinking. I have also include some Chinese passages which I enjoy writing as much. I believe beautiful things provide visual pleasure, and through our vision they stimulates our brain to produce good hormones that make us feel happy. Which means it is important to make our life or surrounded ourselves with beautiful things and thoughts and be a happy person.

I hope this blog will bring you smile some way or another.

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