
Monday, January 27, 2014


I stumbled across this picture/ artwork while reading online, first saw it in black and white but the actual colour is even more stunning. I fancy the design of the typography. Look up more similar artworks on Holstee.

Monday, January 20, 2014


"If you change the way you look at things; the things you look at change." Wayne Dyer

How soon do you adjust to a new environment or picking up a new skill or learning a new system?
I once swear that I'm not going to use computer to produce work, it was such an unnecessary system that time. Because I am old fashion and it takes a long time for me to believe in something and adjust to new technologies. Irony enough I am going to learn web design, an idea that I never though I will surrender to two decades ago.

Since the millennium year, it has marked the change of time of how we live and communicate. The communication world had dictated by tweet counts, topics you share on social medias and the hits you get from people you never met. It's a time I wasn't prepared for, it's a time if you are quick enough to learn a new software to be considered included in the game. And it's also a time that bring people together with almost zero cost. It's a time that my retired aunties play Facebook games to pass time. It's surely a time to change your way of thinking and use the tools that are available to you to communicate and connect freely with the universe.

Of course it's a fun time not to be missed. Use it well to your advantage and thrive with it.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


"A goal is a dream with a deadline." Napolean Hill 

Time flies. It's already February. Chinese New Year is around the corner.
I have been asked numerously time "are you coming back for CNY?" sadly my answer is No, well I will try very hard to make it for next year.

That was something I wrote a year ago and as promised I will be going home for the celebration this year, I made it! It feels like a déjà vu, except I planned for it and feels magnificent about making it happen. Being able to stick with my goal especially this one make me happy for a long while.

Most people I know spent a lot of effort 'cooking' towards their goal or goals (depending how much you could take at once). To achieve bigger goals we are looking at strict discipline, setting priorities, staying focus, and at the same time able to say no to temptations and distractions.

Temptations are always around, I find short term enjoyment and fun are the hardest to resist, the evil little voice will tell you to take a break, reward yourselves, you deserve it. At the time it might seems like a better offer but the next thing you find is running out of time and missing out deadlines. It does takes strong will, determination, a bit of stubbornness and a lot of consistent attention and working hours to be able to get to the point we set. With a deadline, we get the urgency of keeping up with time and being productive. Otherwise it could be a goal just for show.  

The delight of making something happen like achieving goal is beyond words. Moving on to the next goal is another key to get to the bigger goal, let others praise your achievement instead, and just smile.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." Albert Camus 

Photo courtesy Lewis S 
My cousins was having family over to attend her graduation in the country, the event has created the opportunity for a reunion of twenty decades. As a detour her parents visited my city to see his university mates that he hasn't met for more then twenty years, which most of them are living here now. 

I was in the room, surrounded by the excitement of friendship celebration. It was obvious time has no effect on them, the young and passionate energy brighten the whole room. There were chats about the old fun times, the presents fun times and jokes flying around. It's Precious!

Photo courtesy Lewis S
Majority of us spent most of our time building careers, caught up with never ending tasks, errands... and so many others. When was the last time you took time out for friends, have a true and enjoyable conversation? Catch up with the people you grew up with or even the people who are close to you now? It could be your schoolmates, neighbours, cousins, siblings, lover or even parents. 

It doesn't seems as important when you have goals to achieve, things to keep you busy, but life is really short. You never know when you may or may not see them again. Why not pick up the phone, schedule some time, plan a trip to see the people who has once share the best time of your life. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Do it

"Whatever you do will be insignificant,  but it is very important that you do it." Mahatma Gandhi 

I was working on a sold out musical many years ago, one of my responsibilities was to cue the band at the musical pit, to make sure all musicians were presence few minutes before the show start. At that time I thought it's a too easy task for me. Then, on one of the matinees I was late and missed the beginning of the show and was unable to reach anyone on the production because there were no reception in the theatre. Later I found out the musicians were expecting to see me there even though the know it's time to start the show.

Maybe this is an unusual example but it is easy to feel what we do is mundane, repetitive and not as important as it seems. Like keeping up with the exercise, drinking enough water, making the bed every morning, saying 'hi' to colleagues in the morning, expressing our love and etc. If you zoom out and look at the bigger picture, all these little tasks do contribute to a beautiful pictures. So, do not let you mind sink into the chores mode instead be inspired and enjoy what you do to continue creating your unique picture.

Monday, January 6, 2014

人與人之間 有時



卡在半途 迷惑


我懼怕走了不再 有顏色

把彩色存起來, 尋找更多燦爛

Wyn Hee Photography - Namtso Lake, Tibet 2012

Sunday, January 5, 2014


成都位于中国中西部,是四川省省會,位於四川省中心地帶,四川盆地的西部。屬內陸地帶,因为是盆地的关系夏天特别闷热,热气歇留不去。我们在八月初抵达,这是第一站,计划从这个城市去我们的梦想之地 - 西藏。我们前后只在这个城市逗留三个晚上。







粤语称 ‘面粉公仔’ 的现代版,很鲜艳漂亮的小玩意儿。







Friday, January 3, 2014


It is THE new year 2014!  

Everyone everywhere wishes everyone Happy New Year!

The celebration style might vary from one place to another. A thought came to mind, if I am living in Tibet and do not have a calender, this day will be the same as others. What does new year means to you? 

In the more civilize society it is a marker for people to reflect and check what they have achieved in the past year. Company will look at the journal and reward diligent staff with bonuses, parents reward their children if they behaved well, on the personal level individual will self check whether they have achieved their goals and maybe set more challenging goals for this year. 

I used to work in television production once, we worked on days and on nights, having breaks when others normal nine to five people were working, so it was really hard to meet up with friends and family, we had no choice but to hang out with our co-worker. The lifestyle were pretty seclusive. However I worked so much the work we had achieved were incredible and rather fulfilling.

My point is, it is quite exciting to return to the top of the calender cycle, we should just spend everyday as precious as it is. Really, you only live one, spend every second wisely. 

I think this is a good year to visit Vanuatu and Maldives! Woot woot!

Efate, Vanuatu. Photo courtesy of

A scrap book