
Monday, April 28, 2014






"人一旦豪不保留的將意志專注在某一件他想得到的事物上,他的靈魂就會接通身體賜預力量,這份意志無關情操的高尚與否,只在于渴望的強度。" 賽德克。巴萊

Tuesday, April 22, 2014



生活总是难免挫折不如意,前人早以 '人生不如意之事十之八九' 提示我们了,所以生活中的不如意其实是比如意平常的。要是想不通就别去想了,换一个方向,做做别的。可能是女生比男生爱胡思乱想的关系吧。只是想那么多后到头来还是虚无空洞,不如踏实一点,以行动取胜?






Have you ever observe how you operate? From the minor details such as what would you do after you get into the car? How long does it takes before you actually ignite the engine and drive off? Or what do you normally do after starting up your computer? Do you go straight to what you want to do or you be distracted by emails, facebook messages, pop up advertisements, Groupon sale and all sorts, then only get to what you really need to do, like paying the overdue bills?

If you spend some time observing yourselves or others, you will see a trend of how people operate dictate the outcomes and how well a person manage time. Because every little distractions are eating up your time, and sometimes distractions lead to a habit of procrastination. And procrastination leads to further stress about unfinished tasks, assignments and failure of delivery. Not a good thing.

Let's nurture some good habits so we could all manage our time and work better. With better time management we could achieve better results and allow more spare times for fun and relaxation. One of the best way to do that is plan your actions, write them down as reminder (thanks to the funky mobile apps) and finally actions your flawless plan. I am confident in that way you will save time and energy with more effective results in operating a happier life.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fighter's Story

Everyone has a different growing up story. What differentiate one story to be more inspiring than others would be ironically rating from the hardship a person has been through and how he demonstrated to be a real fighter in life. I find this famous person's story particularly interesting, just because he had to fight for his dreams, passions, and also challenge the social norm to prove his rights to be talented and successful. 

He said, "beauty is about perception, not about makeup. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on makeup, or dress yourself, or do your hair with any sort of fun or joy if you're doing it from a position of correction." This is Kevin Aucoin, a famous male makeup artist, photographer and author.  

Aucoin was interested in makeup since he was a child, in the 60's. Because of his differences from his peers, he was bullied at school, being called "sissy" and discriminated from the society. But he never stop chasing his dreams and passions. He took in the hardship, moved to a different city and work harder than the girls (during that time makeup artists are generally women), finally his talent was discovered by Vogue in New York.

So when you are wondering why you are not successful, you have some reflection work to do. There is no one to blame. Don't worry about not being perfect, no one will really notice. I still believe work hard with a bit of luck you will get there in no time!

Have a bright and big future!

A scrap book