
Thursday, December 5, 2013


Hello there! I just linked this blog to Google+

This blog was around since year 2007. It was a experiment for me to own a blog and store my writing but it hasn't been very active. After contemplating for a few weeks about the consequences, I decided to link this blog to Google+. 

In the beginning the idea scares me a bit, because linking your blog to Google+ meaning creating more traffic, getting an audience to read the blog. I'm not quite sure the blog is ready to show the 'world' yet. All these questions went around my head, is the writing mature enough, is the style of the page attractive enough and will people really read the blog? After all that self questioning, I thought if I don't try I will never know. In addition, the book I was reading said trying something new actually make people happier, the unknown, the not sure what to expect make people nervous but also bring excitement. It sounds like something I will look forward. So it all sounds kind of positive and tempting, and here I am. 

Making this blog public encourages me to take my writing more seriously. I want to write something people will benefit from reading and remember. First of all, it needs a theme, a direction. Travel and photography came to mind, but already so many experts posting about that, I don't want to feel pressured from the start. However I would love to include those topics, because I too enjoy travel and photography very much. So! I need to write something meaningful and will make people feel good thus happy. 

Recently, I did a personal strength assessment, my top value turned out to be Beauty to my surprise. I like the idea so much and that will be my blog going public theme BEAUTY! It makes me feel vanity and I like that. Now I could proudly announce: my top value is BEAUTY! (laughing happily out loud) 
Anything beautiful and inspiring are possible to be included here and we should feel good while we are reading them. Yes, we, including me. Beautiful things should be shared.

Enjoy your read! 

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A scrap book