
Friday, August 2, 2013

Travel parties! 结伴同游 1

Visiting places or most people call it travelling is always in my system. When I was younger and travelling seems like a rich men lifestyle I could only read about places from books or from travel channels on TV.

So, in 2011, the urge of such longing desire kicks in, the year marked the beginning of me doing the rich men activities! And I wasn't even rich though.


Cat Pang (in the middle), a person I met from school, has great traveling experience and has also picked up photography because of her baby girl.

Charles Jong (on the left), another person I met ages ago, teacher cum close friend, studied photography in college and has been clicking away whenever he packed his bag to travel the world.

Got together with the idea of exploring the other part of Malaysia that we know very little about. We drove from Kuala Lumpur we go to Kuala Gandah, Pahang - The Elephant Sanctuary, then continue to Lembing. After Lembing we moved on to Kuala Terengganu.

This picture was taken with a strange camera setting, but it looks great from the screen at the time.

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