
Monday, July 23, 2007

food vs book hunting

LL & YT while waiting for their Asam Laksa!

on the 14 of July, me LL and YT decided to spend our evening at Petaling Street to hunt for books and food(s).

Feed ourselves with the pleasure of delicious food and good books.
We bought the books we're interested and will be interested.
We had prawn wanton hor fun and asam laksa and longgan drink, unfortunately tau fu far was sold out by the time we get there.

Petaling street is a place that we (me and YT) spent most our time there during high school. A place we have to pass through to catch buses; a place we search for food; a place we shop, a place we discover new things and a place we hang out.
6 years life of that, young and fun.
That was 12 years ago...

It was a great night, hope it was to you two as well.

Friday, July 6, 2007

the next project

Bunga Manggar Bunga Raya - Marion D'Cruz's first full-length contemporary dance project in 8 years!

Featuring an eclectic cast of performers & non performers including Anne James, Elaine Pedley, Fahmi Fadzil, Gan Chih Pei, Hari Azizan, Jacqueline Ann Surin, James Lee, Janet Pillai, June Tan, Karen Tan, Leow Puay Tin, Mac Chan, Mark Teh, Neo Swee Lin, Vernon Adrian Emuang, Wyn Hee among others.

Dates: 6 - 9 September 2007 @ The Actors Studio Bangsar.
More details soon!

Isn't the photo great? I love it! the wig too!

Run Lola Run

Like this movie, it's hard to describe, watch it, tell me how you feel n_n.

The link:
The review:

written & directed by Tom Tykwer
starring Franke Potente, Moritz Bleibtreu

Friday, June 1, 2007


琐碎可以致命之处是, 太多, 太繁而没有重点...
它是无处不在的, 每天都缠着你, 解决了再来的家伙, 似乎是没有停止的一天的。
有时, 就像是每天为了它们而活的。

可是, 生活没有它是转不过来的, 所有的事也要停止了。



Monday, May 28, 2007


更喜欢Don McLean写给他的Vincent.
歌里他提起画里的黄水仙daffodil, 从此就爱上这个字, 爱上它的发音和它所代表的花.

喜欢是一种很抽象的感觉, 它的发生更是无法预料.
所以, 当喜欢一样东西或人时, 就该尽情的享受这种感觉,
因为它就像风一样捉不住, 而且从来只会不辞而别.
A scrap book